nature punjab
The guardians of the erth in pakistan panjab. the report already highlighted the posible advers impacts to the area and WWF,s ecological baseline study further endorsed its ecological significance. the delays caused by the civil society protests and judicial activism and Environmental impact assessment (EIA) legislation were fortunately enough to hold back the powers that were fortunately enough out the project.nature punjab
there is the people who live as a farmer the largest area of panjab proviunce pakistan is full of grenry. the panjab is beauty full to the world nature. its is the largest proviunce of pakistan about population. beauty to see greenry. to watch the the beauty of world nature so watch the panjab come and enjoy our winter.
panjab nature pakistan
Given the unquie forest ecology that pakistan can boast, ther is no substantial data or ecological studies that have been careeid out in the areas. the inportance of baceline ecological studies cannot be stressed enough, given the scientific research proving the importance of a healthy ecosystem in sustenance of all life be it flora, fauna or human.
nature punjab(pakistan)
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